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Javascript/Typescript SDK

The Forta bot Javascript SDK comes with a set of classes and type definitions to provide a consistent interface for developers to write their bots. There are also some utility functions available for your convenience to do common operations like searching for an event in the transaction logs. Check out the Javascript/Typescript bots in our examples repo to learn more.


The most relevant type definitions for bot developers are the handler types: Initialize, HandleBlock, HandleTransaction and HandleAlert. They are function types with the following signatures:

type Initialize = () => Promise<void | InitializeResponse>
type HandleTransaction = (txEvent: TransactionEvent) => Promise<Finding[]>
type HandleBlock = (blockEvent: BlockEvent) => Promise<Finding[]>
type HandleAlert = (alertEvent: AlertEvent) => Promise<Finding[]>

Your agent.js/agent.ts file must have a default export object with at least one of handleBlock, handleTransaction or handleAlert properties that provide the handler functions. You can export one or all of these depending on your use case, but at least one must be provided. The return type of these functions is Promise<Finding[]>, meaning they are asynchronous functions that return an array of zero or more Finding objects.

You can also optionally export an initialize handler that will be executed on bot startup. This is useful for fetching some data from the network or parsing some file before your bot begins. If you are using the handleAlert handler, then the initialize handler is required to specify which bot's alerts you want to subscribe to. The returned object in this case would be of the type InitializeResponse (see the pattern for consuming bot alerts for more information). If you don't want to subscribe to any bot alerts, don't return anything i.e. void.


When a block is mined and detected by a Forta scan node, it will generate a BlockEvent containing information such as the block hash and block number. It contains the following fields:

  • type - specifies whether this was a block reorg or a regular block
  • network - specifies which network the block was mined on (e.g. mainnet, ropsten, rinkeby, etc)
  • blockHash - hash of the block
  • blockNumber - number of the block
  • block - data object containing the following fields:
    • difficulty
    • extraData
    • gasLimit
    • gasUsed
    • hash
    • logsBloom
    • miner
    • mixHash
    • nonce
    • number
    • parentHash
    • receiptsRoot
    • sha3Uncles
    • size
    • stateRoot
    • timestamp
    • totalDifficulty
    • transactions
    • transactionsRoot
    • uncles


When a transaction is mined and detected by a Forta scan node, it will generate a TransactionEvent containing various information about the transaction. It contains the following fields:

  • type - specifies whether this was from a block reorg or a regular block
  • network - specifies which network the transaction was mined on (e.g. mainnet, ropsten, rinkeby, etc)
  • hash - alias for transaction.hash
  • from - alias for transaction.from
  • to - alias for
  • gasPrice - alias for transaction.gasPrice
  • timestamp - alias for block.timestamp
  • blockNumber - alias for block.number
  • blockHash - alias for block.hash
  • addresses - map of addresses involved in the transaction (generated from transaction to/from address, any event log address and trace data address if available)
  • block - data object containing the following fields:
    • hash
    • number
    • timestamp
  • transaction - data object containing the following fields:
    • hash
    • from
    • to
    • nonce
    • gas
    • gasPrice
    • value
    • data
    • r
    • s
    • v
  • logs - list of log objects with the following fields:
    • address
    • topics
    • data
    • logIndex
    • blockNumber
    • blockHash
    • transactionIndex
    • transactionHash
    • removed
  • traces - only with tracing enabled; list of trace objects with the following fields:
    • blockHash
    • blockNumber
    • subtraces
    • traceAddress
    • transactionHash
    • transactionPosition
    • type
    • error
    • action - object with the following fields:
      • callType
      • to
      • from
      • input
      • value
      • init
      • address
      • balance
      • refundAddress
    • result - object with the following fields:
      • gasUsed
      • address
      • code
      • output


filterLog is a convenience function on TransactionEvent to filter and decode transaction logs. For example, you can use it to get all of the Transfer logs in a transaction from a particular ERC-20 token:

const erc20TokenAddress = "0x123abc";
const transferEvent = "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)";
const transfers = transactionEvent.filterLog(transferEvent, erc20TokenAddress);
console.log(`found ${transfers.length} transfer events`);

The underlying library used for decoding event logs is ethers.js. The Javascript SDK uses the ethers.js parseLog method and returns an array of LogDescription objects (which we modified to also include the originating address of the log). To better understand usage, see the Javascript filtering example bot.


filterFunction is a convenience function on TransactionEvent to filter and decode function calls in the transaction or traces. For example, you can use it to get all of the transferFrom function calls on a particular ERC-20 token:

const erc20TokenAddress = "0x123abc";
const transferFromFunction = "function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value)";
const transfers = transactionEvent.filterFunction(transferFromFunction, erc20TokenAddress);
console.log(`found ${transfers.length} function calls`);

The underlying library used for decoding function calls is ethers.js. The Javascript SDK uses the ethers.js parseTransaction method and returns an array of TransactionDescription objects. To better understand usage, see the Javascript filtering example bot.


When an alert is fired from a Forta bot and is detected by the network, any subscribing bots will receive an AlertEvent containing various information about the alert (see the pattern for consuming bot alerts for more information). It contains the following fields:

  • alert - data object containing an Alert
  • alertId - alias for alert.alertId
  • name - alias for
  • hash - alias for alert.hash
  • botId - alias for
  • transactionHash - alias for alert.source.transactionHash
  • blockHash - alias for alert.source.block.hash
  • blockNumber - alias for alert.source.block.number
  • chainId - alias for alert.chainId
  • hasAddress - alias function for alert.hasAddress


If a bot wants to flag a transaction/block/alert because it meets some condition (e.g. flash loan attack), the handler function would return a Finding object. This object would detail the results of the finding and provide metadata such as the severity of the finding. A Finding object can only be created using the Finding.fromObject method which accepts the following properties:

  • name - required; human-readable name of finding e.g. "High Gas"
  • description - required; brief description e.g. "High gas used: 1,000,000"
  • alertId - required; unique string to identify this class of finding, primarily used to group similar findings for the end user
  • protocol - required; name of the protocol being reported on e.g. "aave", defaults to "ethereum" if left blank
  • type - required; indicates the type of finding:
    • Exploit
    • Suspicious
    • Degraded
    • Info
  • severity - required; indicates the impact level of finding:
    • Critical - exploitable vulnerabilities, massive impact on users/funds
    • High - exploitable under more specific conditions, significant impact on users/funds
    • Medium - notable unexpected behaviours, moderate to low impact on users/funds
    • Low - minor oversights, negligible impact on users/funds
    • Info - miscellaneous behaviours worth describing
  • metadata - optional; key-value map (both keys and values as strings) for providing extra information
  • labels - optional; array of Label objects to attach to this finding


When an Alert is fired by a Forta bot, it can be consumed using an AlertEvent or manually queried using the getAlerts method. Alert objects have the following properties:

  • alertId - string to identify this class of finding
  • chainId - chain ID where this alert was fired
  • addresses - list of addresses involved in the alert (currently truncated at 50 addresses)
  • labels - list of Labels associated to the alert
  • contracts - list of contracts related to the alert
  • createdAt - timestamp when the alert was published
  • description - text description of the alert
  • name - alert name
  • protocol - name of the protocol being reported on
  • scanNodeCount - number of scanners that found the alert
  • source - source where the alert was detected
    • transactionHash - transaction where the alert was detected
    • block - block where the alert was detected
      • timestamp
      • chainId
      • hash
      • number
    • bot - bot that triggered the alert
      • id
      • reference
      • image
    • sourceAlert - alert that triggered this alert
      • hash
      • botId
      • timestamp
      • chainId
  • projects - list of Web3 projects related to the alert
    • contacts - list of contact info
    • id - project identifier
    • name - user-friendly name of the project
    • token
    • social
    • website - main website of the project
  • findingType - indicates the type of finding:
    • Exploit
    • Suspicious
    • Degraded
    • Info
    • Unknown
  • severity - indicates the impact level of finding:
    • Critical - exploitable vulnerabilities, massive impact on users/funds
    • High - exploitable under more specific conditions, significant impact on users/funds
    • Medium - notable unexpected behaviours, moderate to low impact on users/funds
    • Low - minor oversights, negligible impact on users/funds
    • Info - miscellaneous behaviours worth describing
  • metadata - key-value map (both keys and values as strings) for providing extra information


hasAddress is a convenience function on Alert meant for checking the existence of an address involved in the alert. The addresses array is truncated for space efficiency, so this method uses a bloom filter to check for existence. It accepts a single string parameter: the address to check


Labels can be used to add more contextual data to a Finding e.g. "is this address an attacker?". The Label object has the following properties:

  • id - string identifier of this label
  • entityType - enum indicating the type of entity:
    • Address
    • Transaction
    • Block
    • Url
    • Unknown
  • entity - string identifier of the entity being labelled e.g. transaction hash
  • label - string label to attach to the entity e.g. "exploit"
  • confidence - confidence level of label between 0 and 1
  • metadata - key-value map (both keys and values as strings) for providing extra information
  • createdAt - string containing the timestamp of label creation
  • source - object with information about where this label came from
    • alertHash
    • alertId
    • id
    • chainId
    • bot
      • id
      • image
      • imageHash
      • manifest


A convenience function called getJsonRpcUrl can be used to load a JSON-RPC URL for your bot. When running in production, this function will return a URL injected by the scan node that is running the bot. When running locally in development, this function will return the jsonRpcUrl property specified in your forta.config.json file (or by default).


getEthersProvider is a convenience function that returns an ethers.js Provider which can be used to interact with the blockchain. The value from getJsonRpcUrl will be used as the JSON-RPC endpoint to connect to.


A convenience function called getTransactionReceipt can be used to fetch the entire receipt of a transaction and is returned in a format matching the SDK Receipt interface.


The getAlerts method can be used to fetch alerts based on input AlertQueryOptions. When developing locally, you will need to set the fortaApiKey property in your forta.config.json (and also have a paid plan) for this method to work. The getAlerts method accepts the following input filter properties:

  • botIds required; list of bot ids to fetch alerts for
  • addresses - indicate a list of addresses, alerts returned will have those addresses involved.
  • alertId - filter alerts by alert-id
  • chainId - EIP155 identifier of the chain alerts returned will only be from the specific chain Id Default is 1 = Ethereum Mainnet
  • createdSince - indicate number of milliseconds, alerts returned will be alerts created since the number of milliseconds indicated ago (note: if not specified, the query will only search the past 24 hours)
  • first - indicates max number of results.
  • startingCursor - query results after the specified cursor
  • projectId - indicates a project id, alerts returned will only be from that project.
  • scanNodeConfirmations - filter alerts by number of scan nodes confirming the alert
  • severities - filter alerts by severity levels
  • transactionHash - indicates a transaction hash, alerts returned will only be from that transaction
  • blockSortDirection - indicates sorting order by block number, 'desc' or 'asc'. The default is 'desc'.
  • blockDateRange - alerts returned will be between the specified start and end block timestamp dates when the threats were detected
  • blockNumberRange - alerts for the block number range will be returned

The returned alerts are formatted to match the SDK AlertsResponse interface which looks like this:

    alerts: Alert[],
    pageInfo: {
        hasNextPage: boolean,
        endCursor?: {
            alertId: string,
            blockNumber: number

Here is an example usage:

import { getAlerts, AlertsResponse } from "forta-agent"

const main = async () => {
  let hasNext = true;
  let startingCursor = undefined;

  while(hasNext) {
    const results: AlertsResponse = await getAlerts({
      botIds: ["0xddb7c17e370ecd5f99cadcddb39cfa51264e989c5133c490046d63a299dd68f0"], 
      transactionHash: "0xc65af85a3fab1e538f6f521cd0a6e6d246c2f76c05aa8fba40817b59de7401b6",

    hasNext = results.pageInfo.hasNextPage;
    startingCursor = results.pageInfo.endCursor;

    results.alerts.forEach(a => console.log(`${JSON.stringify(a)} \n`))


The sendAlerts method enables submitting alerts via the GraphQL API. See the external bots page for more information.


The getLabels method can be used to fetch labels based on input LabelQueryOptions. When developing locally, you will need to set the fortaApiKey property in your forta.config.json (and also have a paid plan) for this method to work. The getLabels method accepts the following input filter properties (at least one of entities, labels or sourceIds is required):

  • entities - string array to filter by label entities (e.g. wallet addresses, block/tx hashes)
  • labels - string array to filter the label value (e.g. "attacker")
  • sourceIds - string array to filter the label sources (e.g. bot IDs)
  • entityType - string to filter labels by EntityType (see label section for possible types)
  • state - boolean, set to true if only the current state is desired
  • createdSince - integer timestamp in milliseconds, labels returns will be created after this timestamp
  • createdBefore - integer timestamp in milliseconds, labels returned will be created before this timestamp
  • first - integer indicating max number of results
  • startingCursor - query results after the specified cursor object

The returned labels are formatted to match the SDK LabelsResponse interface which looks like:

    labels: Label[];
    pageInfo: {
        hasNextPage: boolean;
        endCursor?: {
            pageToken: string;

Here is an example usage:

import { getLabels, LabelsResponse } from "forta-agent"

const main = async () => {
  let hasNext = true;
  let startingCursor = undefined;

  while(hasNext) {
    const results: LabelsResponse = await getLabels({
      sourceIds: ["0xddb7c17e370ecd5f99cadcddb39cfa51264e989c5133c490046d63a299dd68f0"],
      createdSince: 1684407014000,

    hasNext = results.pageInfo.hasNextPage;
    startingCursor = results.pageInfo.endCursor;

    results.labels.forEach(l => console.log(`${JSON.stringify(l)} \n`))


Scan nodes allow bots to make authorized requests to external APIs by using the scan node's identity, without letting the scan node modify the requests. You can use the fetchJwt utility function to generate a jwt token from a scan node.

This method will only generate a token if the bot is running on a scan node

If running a bot locally or in a stand-alone environment (ie. outside of a scanner node), this method will return a mock value.

The function signature is fetchJwt(claims, expiresAt):

  • claims: a JSON object of any additional claims you would like to include in the payload of the JWT
  • expiresAt: an optional Date object that sets when the JWT will expire

The returned JWT can be decoded using the decodeJwt method.

let token;

const initialize: Initialize = async (blockEvent: BlockEvent) => {
  token = await fetchJwt(claims: {key: value})


A utility method intended to be used on an external server for verifying the claims and signature of a JWT generated by a scan node. This method verifies that the JWT was generated and signed by the same scan node the bot is running on. See an example usage of verifying a JWT

  • token - required a JWT token generated by fetchJwt


A utility method for decoding the header and payload of a Jwt returned from a scan node.

  • token - required a JWT token generated by fetchJwt
let jwt;

const initialize: Initialize = async (blockEvent: BlockEvent) => {
  const token = await fetchJwt(claims: {key: value})
  jwt = decodeJwt(token)


This method will not verify the signature of a JWT


A utility function for writing tests. You can use createBlockEvent to easily generate a mock BlockEvent object when writing unit tests for your handleBlock handler. To better understand usage, see the Typescript unit test example.


A utility function for writing tests. You can use createTransactionEvent to easily generate a mock TransactionEvent object when writing unit tests for your handleTransaction handler. To better understand usage, see the Javascript unit test example.


A utility function for writing tests. You can use createAlertEvent to easily generate a mock AlertEvent object when writing unit tests for your handleAlert handler.