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Access Managed



contract IAccessControl _accessControl


event AccessManagerUpdated(address newAddressManager)


error MissingRole(bytes32 role, address account)


modifier onlyRole(bytes32 role)

Checks if _msgSender() has role, reverts if not.

Name Type Description
role bytes32 the role to be tested, defined in Roles.sol and set in AccessManager instance.


function __AccessManaged_init(address manager) internal

Initializer method, access point to initialize inheritance tree.

Name Type Description
manager address address of AccessManager.


function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal view returns (bool)

Checks if account hasrole` assigned.

Name Type Description
role bytes32 the role to be tested, defined in Roles.sol and set in AccessManager instance.
account address the address to be tested for the role.
Name Type Description
[0] bool return true if account has role, false otherwise.


function setAccessManager(address newManager) public

Sets AccessManager instance. Restricted to DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE

Name Type Description
newManager address address of the new instance of AccessManager.


uint256[49] __gap