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Migrating from v1 SDK

As of April 2024, the Forta Network has enabled the deployment of v2 detection bots. These are developed using the v2 bot SDK (which has version number beginning with 0.2.x) as opposed to the v1 bot SDK (which has version number beginning with 0.1.x). The primary benefit of v2 detection bots is that they enable developers to scan activity on any EVM-compatible chain (vs the 7 supported chains of v1 bots). Migrating your v1 bots to the v2 SDK is straightforward since the majority of code can be reused.

V1 Bots Will Be Deprecated

Support for v1 bots will be deprecated at some point in 2024, so migrating to v2 as soon as possible is encouraged.

The following steps will explain how to migrate your v1 bot:

Please see the Typescript starter project (or Javascript) for a working example of a v2 bot

  • make sure you have NodeJS v20+ installed (using nvm is recommended i.e. nvm install 20)
  • import the new @fortanetwork/forta-bot package (instead of forta-agent)
  • setup your bot's JSON-RPC provider using this guide
  • exporting your handler functions is no longer required (but you still probably want to do this for unit testing)
  • define your own async main() function in your agent.ts file to serve as your bot's entrypoint, and then invoke it e.g.
    async function main() {
      // we will fill this in below
    // only run main() method if this file is directly invoked (vs imported for testing)
    if (require.main === module) {
  • if you have an initialize handler, then manually invoke it in main() and store any returned response in a variable e.g.
    const initializeResponse = await initialize()
  • if you have a handleBlock handler, then add invocations for scanX() in main() for each chain you want to scan and pass the handler as a parameter e.g.
      rpcUrl: "",
      handleBlock: handleBlock
  • if you have a handleTransaction handler, then add invocations for scanX() in main() for each chain you want to scan and pass the handler as a parameter e.g.
      rpcUrl: "",
      handleTransaction: handleTransaction
  • if you have a handleAlert handler, then add an invocation for scanAlerts() in main() and pass the handler as well as the required bot subscriptions as a parameter e.g.
      subscriptions: [{botId: "0x123"}], // or initializeResponse.alertConfig.subscriptions
      handleAlert: handleAlert
  • add an invocation for runHealthCheck() in main() and if you defined a custom healthCheck handler then pass the handler as a parameter e.g.
    runHealthCheck(healthCheck) // or runHealthCheck() if no custom handler
  • to attribute an alert to a specific chain/block/tx, use the Finding.source attribute e.g.
      source: {
        chains: [{chainId: 1}] // associates this finding to Ethereum mainnet
  • use the ethers.js provider (which is specific to the chain being scanned) passed as a second parameter into handleBlock and handleTransaction (instead of using getEthersProvider) e.g.
    const handleTransaction: HandleTransaction = async (
      txEvent: TransactionEvent,
      provider: JsonRpcProvider
    ) => {
      await provider.doSomething()
  • update package.json to use the new forta-bot CLI tool (which needs to be added to the devDependencies as well) (see starter project package.json)
  • update the Dockerfile to use a base image of NodeJS 20+ (see starter project Dockerfile) e.g.
    FROM node:20-alpine
  • ethers.js v6-specific migration:
    • BigNumber is no longer used in ethers.js v6, and is replaced by the Typescript built-in BigInt (so for example, you will need to make sure any event args you are parsing from filterLogs or ethers.provider methods are handled as BigInt)

Please see the Python starter project for a working example of a v2 bot

  • make sure you have Python v3.10+ installed
  • import the new forta_bot_sdk package (instead of forta_agent)
  • setup your bot's JSON-RPC provider using this guide
  • add an import for the asyncio package (used for running code asynchronously)
  • define your own async main() function in your file to serve as your bot's entrypoint, and then invoke it using e.g.
    async def main():
      await asyncio.gather(...) # we will populate these args in the steps below
    # only invoke main() if running this file directly (vs importing it for testing)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  • add the async keyword in front of all your handler methods e.g.
      async def initialize():
      async def handle_block():
      async def handle_transaction():
      async def handle_alert():
  • if you have an initialize handler, then manually invoke it in main() and store any returned response in a variable e.g.
    initialize_response = await initialize()
  • if you have a handle_block handler, then add invocations for scan_X() in main() (as arguments to asyncio.gather) for each chain you want to scan and pass the handler as a parameter e.g.
      'rpc_url': '',
      'handle_block': handle_block
  • if you have a handle_transaction handler, then add invocations for scan_X() in main() (as arguments to asyncio.gather) for each chain you want to scan and pass the handler as a parameter e.g.
      'rpc_url': '',
      'handle_transaction': handle_transaction
  • if you have a handle_alert handler, then add an invocation for scan_alerts() in main() (as an argument to asyncio.gather) and pass the handler as well as the required bot subscriptions as a parameter e.g.
      'subscriptions': [{'bot_id': '0x123'}] # or initialize_response['alert_config']['subscriptions'],
      'handle_alert': handle_alert
  • add an invocation for run_health_check() in main() (as an argument to asyncio.gather) and if you defined a custom health_check handler then pass the handler as a parameter e.g.
    run_health_check(health_check) # or run_health_check() if no custom handler
  • to attribute an alert to a specific chain/block/tx, use the Finding.source attribute e.g.
      'source': {
        'chains': [{'chain_id': 1}] # associates this finding to Ethereum mainnet
  • use the AsyncWeb3 provider (which is specific to the chain being scanned) passed as a second parameter into handle_block and handle_transaction (instead of using get_web3_provider) e.g.
    async def handle_transaction(tx_event: TransactionEvent, provider: AsyncWeb3):
      await provider.do_something()
  • update package.json to use the new forta-bot CLI tool (which needs to be added to the devDependencies as well) (see starter project package.json)
  • update the Dockerfile to use a base image of Python 3.10+ (see starter project Dockerfile) e.g.
    FROM python:3.10-alpine