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What is a threat detection kit?

If you are new to Forta, a threat detection kit will help you get started on monitoring and protecting Web3 projects and assets right away with no custom bot development needed to get security-relevant value from Forta.

A threat detection kit consists of security detection bots and bot templates created and curated by the Forta community and security experts.

There are currently 5 threat detection kits available, each specifically tailored to monitor different parts of the Web3 ecosystem and detect threats.

How to subscribe to threat detection kit detection bots?

Forta Alert Subscription

For each threat detection kit, security experts hand-picked a list of detection bots users can subscribe to to help identify a broad range of security-related events. By subscribing to these bots, you can receive alerts on suspicious and/or anomalous activities potentially occurring at any stage of an ongoing web3 attack. To learn more about how web3 attacks happen and how Forta can mitigate them, check out the Forta illuminates the Web3 Kill Chain Blog Post.

Monitoring your wallet or contracts

  1. To subscribe, first visit the Forta App.
  2. Click on "Monitor my contracts" or "Monitor my wallet". If you clicked on "Monitor my contracts", select a threat detection kit.

    Forta Threat Detection Kits

  3. Sign in with your wallet to continue.

    Wallet Sign

  4. Select or update the selected threat detection kit in the "Select Subscription type" dropdown.
  5. Add a contract/wallet address to watch. For contracts, it's recommended to create a subscription for each address pertaining to your protocol, including protocol-specific token contract addresses.
  6. Choose notification type and destination.

Alert Subscription Form

What are detection bot templates?

While the existing threat detection kit bots provide broad coverage for security-relevant issues, sometimes the bot needs protocol-specific information. Detection bot templates allow users to create these custom bots quickly without the need to develop one from scratch.

Bot Wizard 🧙 is now available!

Non-technical users can configure and create their own detection bots without touching any code via the bot wizard interface.

Developers can get access to security detection bot and template source code to fork, customize, and contribute.