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Introduction & Goals

In this course, you will learn about blockchain technology with a focus on security. No prior knowledge in blockchain is required as we will cover the basics and theoretical concepts.

The course will be applied and a hands interacting with the blockchain in a programmatic fashion (primarily utilizing Python, but JavaScript is also an option) and deploying smart contracts in solidity.

In the second half of the course, we will focus on security concepts in blockchain with a general overview followed by a focus on on-chain monitoring and incident response.

Note: The course was given in person, therefore it contains in person interactions that are valuable to the listener. Also it contains comments on the assignments which can be valuabe for those doing the assignments by their own. This course does not provide certification or assignment´s review.

Reading & Assignments material

Textbook 1 - Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps by Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood Ph. D.

Textbook 2 - Blockchain Foundation: Blockchain And Distributed Ledgers: Mathematics, Technology, And Economics by Alexander Lipton and Adrien Treccani.

Assignments - All assignments can be found here

Session 1A Overview

In this session we will introduce the instructor, Dr. Christian Seifert, and go over the goals and outline of the course.

Session 1 Slides

