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mapping(uint256 => struct EnumerableSet.AddressSet) _managers


event ManagerEnabled(uint256 scannerId, address manager, bool enabled)


error SenderNotManager(address sender, uint256 scannerId)


modifier onlyManagerOf(uint256 scannerId)

Checks sender (or metatx signer) is manager of the scanner token.

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.


function isManager(uint256 scannerId, address manager) public view virtual returns (bool)

Checks if address is defined as a manager for a scanner.

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
manager address address to check.
Name Type Description
[0] bool true if defined as manager for scanner, false otherwise.


function getManagerCount(uint256 scannerId) public view virtual returns (uint256)

Gets total managers defined for a scanner.

helper for external iteration.

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 total managers defined for a scanner.


function getManagerAt(uint256 scannerId, uint256 index) public view virtual returns (address)

Gets manager address at certain position of the scanner's manager set.

helper for external iteration.

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
index uint256 position in the set.
Name Type Description
[0] address address of the manager at index.


uint256[49] __gap