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ScannerRegistry methods and state handling disabling and enabling scanners, and recognizing stake changes that might disable a scanner. NOTE: This contract was deployed before StakeAwareUpgradeable was created, so __StakeAwareUpgradeable_init is not called.


enum Permission {


event ScannerEnabled(uint256 scannerId, bool enabled, enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission permission, bool value)


function isEnabled(uint256 scannerId) public view virtual returns (bool)

Check if scanner is enabled

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
Name Type Description
[0] bool true if the scanner is registered, has not been disabled, and is staked over minimum value. Returns false if otherwise


function enableScanner(uint256 scannerId, enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission permission) public virtual

Public method to enable a scanner, if caller has permission. Scanner must be staked over minimum defined for the scanner's chainId.

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
permission enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission the caller claims to have.


function disableScanner(uint256 scannerId, enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission permission) public virtual

Public method to disable a scanner, if caller has permission.

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
permission enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission the caller claims to have.


function _getDisableFlags(uint256 scannerId) internal view returns (uint256)

Get the disabled flags for an agentId. Permission (uint8) is used for indexing, so we don't need to loop. If not disabled, all flags will be 0

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 containing the byte flags.


function _hasPermission(uint256 scannerId, enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission permission) internal view returns (bool)

Method that does permission checks.

AccessManager is not used since the permission is specific for scannerId

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
permission enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission the caller claims to have.
Name Type Description
[0] bool true if (ADMIN and _msgSender() has SCANNER_ADMIN_ROLE), if _msgSender() is the scanner itself, its owner or manager for each respective permission, false otherwise.


function _enable(uint256 scannerId, enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission permission, bool enable) internal

Internal method to enable a scanner.

will trigger _before and _after enable hooks within the inheritance tree.

Name Type Description
scannerId uint256 ERC721 token id of the scanner.
permission enum ScannerRegistryEnable.Permission the caller claims to have.
enable bool true for enabling, false for disabling


function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address sender)

Obligatory inheritance dismambiguation of ForwardedContext's _msgSender()

Name Type Description
sender address msg.sender if not a meta transaction, signer of forwarder metatx if it is.


function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes)

Obligatory inheritance dismambiguation of ForwardedContext's _msgSender()

Name Type Description
[0] bytes sender if not a meta transaction, forwarder data in metatx if it is.


uint256[49] __gap