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Run a Scan Node locally

In addition to default public scanning, forta has a local mode which is useful for:

  • running only specific detection bots
  • doing a test run using specific detection bots within a block range
  • logging the alerts instead of publishing
  • forwarding the alerts to a specific target (webhook)
  • producing bot metrics

Staking and rewards

Local nodes do not require staking and do not generate any rewards. Local mode is made available only to suit your private scanning and testing needs.

Steps to run

Using the CLI

Steps to run a local node using the CLI:

  • forta init --passphrase <passphrase>
  • Configure ~/.forta/config.yml
  • forta run --passphrase <passphrase>

You can provide the passphrase by doing export FORTA_PASSPHRASE=<passphrase> as an alternative method to the --passphrase flag. If you are setting up your node just for testing and development, you can choose a weak and convenient passphrase.

Using Docker Compose

Alternatively, if you would like to run the local mode using a single docker-compose.yml file make sure you check out the standalone mode section!

Start configuring

To enable the local mode successfully, please specify at least these settings in the config file:

# id of the chain to scan
chainId: 1




  enable: true
  # docker references of remote or locally available detection bot images
    - my-local-test-bot-image-reference
    - # remote image

If forta requires trace API to be specified for the configured chainId (e.g. Ethereum Mainnet, Fantom) and you don't want to use a trace API for now, you can change the chainId to something random like 90909.

Specify a block range

This allows limiting the runtime inputs, testing different bots under the same conditions and comparing outputs. Since bot processing delay can be unexpected, it is important to specify a stopTimeoutSeconds to wait for all bots to finish and the alerts to get logged or sent (webhook). It is useful to reduce the publishing interval to a short time in order to keep stopTimeoutSeconds at a lower value.

    intervalSeconds: 1
    metricsBucketIntervalSeconds: 1 # how often the metrics go out with alert batches

    startBlock: 1191111
    stopBlock: 1192345
    stopTimeoutSeconds: 30

Outputting alerts

By default, local mode logs all alert batch outputs to ~/.forta/logs/forta-local-alert-logs-{timestamp}. You can use the logFileName setting to always write to a specific file within ~/.forta/logs.

  logFileName: testlogs.txt

Or, you could let them be outputted to stdout as info-level logs. Please keep in mind that this disables the other types of outputs described in this section.

  logToStdout: true

If you would like to forward the alerts to a specific destination instead, you can specify a webhook handler:

  webhookUrl: http://my-webhook-handler.url

To suit these kinds of purposes, we defined Forta Webhook Specification. In local mode, a scan node conforms with this specification and sends authorized webhook requests.

About paths

The paths defined in the webhook specification is only for making the definitions easier. Scan node configuration requires the complete webhook URL and ignores all paths defined in the specification.

Convert to Discord Webhooks

If you need to convert the webhook requests to Discord webhook requests, make sure you check out this awesome converter by Lido Finance.

Alert deduplication

If you wish to avoid outputting an alert multiple times from a cluster of local nodes, you can set up Redis and point your nodes using the deduplication config.

  ttlSeconds: 300
    address: <host>:<port>
    password: '123'
    db: 1 # database to be selected after connecting to the server

Alternatively, if you are running a Redis cluster:

  ttlSeconds: 300
      - host1:<port>
      - host2:<port>
    password: '123'

Simulate JSON-RPC throttling

If you would like to observe how your bots are doing under strict JSON-RPC rate limiting, you can override the token bucket algorithm settings from:

    rate: 123
    burst: 456

Bot metrics

As part of the alert batches (mentioned in the webhook specification), some bot metrics are forwarded. These metrics are bucketed into the specified interval in the config and a summary object for each goes out with the soonest batch possible as soon as the interval is over.

Metrics are especially helpful to understand the performance of your bots. However, please keep in mind that forta does not yet come with a tool to further analyze or visualize this data.

    intervalSeconds: 1
    metricsBucketIntervalSeconds: 1 # how often the metrics go out with alert batches

  includeMetrics: true

Please see Forta Webhook Specification to better understand the metrics summary data model.

Types of bot metrics

Name Description
finding Finding count
findings.dropped Dropped finding count (due to hard limit)
tx.request Transaction input count
tx.latency Transaction processing latency
tx.error Transaction processing error count
tx.success Transaction processing success count
tx.drop Dropped transaction input count
tx.block.age From block time to bot input time in ms
tx.event.age From tx feed time to bot input time in ms
block.block.age From block time to bot input time in ms
block.event.age From block feed time to bot input time in ms
block.request Block input count
block.latency Block processing latency
block.error Block processing error count
block.success Block processing success count
block.drop Dropped block input count
jsonrpc.latency JSON-RPC request latency
jsonrpc.request JSON-RPC request count
jsonrpc.success JSON-RPC request success count
jsonrpc.throttled Throttled JSON-RPC request count

Standalone mode

We crafted a more specialized version of the local mode, called standalone mode, which allows running the node using a single docker-compose.yml file without having to deal with the Forta node CLI and the ~/.forta directory.

In this mode,

  • all of the required Forta node service containers and the bots are defined under services,
  • container dependencies are set by using depends_on definitions,
  • Forta config is defined under x-forta-config instead of using a separate config.yml file.

The docker-compose.yml file looks something like this:

    container_name: forta-scanner
    image: forta-network/forta-scanner:latest
      - bot-1

    container_name: forta-bot-1


    enable: true
    logToStdout: true
    privateKeyHex: abcdefg0...
      enable: true
        - forta-bot-1

For a more detailed reference, please check out to the Docker Compose file defined in the forta-node repository here. You can use that file as boilerplate for your purposes.

This is still local mode

The other local mode settings are valid to use in this mode and other explanations also apply to it, since standalone is just a specialized sub-mode of the local mode.

The steps to run the standalone mode using that file are:

  • Set privateKeyHex to something that makes sense to you. The webhook requests include a JWT that is signed using that. (More about verification here)
  • Optionally, specify the webhook URL you would like to use.
  • Configure the bot containers under services and let the scanner container depend on them (by using depends_on).
  • List down the names of the bot containers (not service names!) under localmode.standalone.botContainers so the scanner container can attach to them.
  • Specify the service container images. You can get this in two different ways:

    • Follow the IPFS hash in the forta version output and find the Docker image reference. Then use that reference like in the Docker Compose file.
    • At the project root, do make containers and it will build the forta-network/forta-scanner:latest image for you.
  • Run the Docker Compose file like docker compose up --remove-orphans --abort-on-container-exit.