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struct AgentMetadata {
  uint256 version;
  string metadata;
  uint256[] chainIds;


mapping(uint256 => struct AgentRegistryMetadata.AgentMetadata) _agentMetadata


mapping(bytes32 => bool) _agentMetadataUniqueness


error MetadataNotUnique(bytes32 hash)


function getAgent(uint256 agentId) public view returns (bool registered, address owner, uint256 agentVersion, string metadata, uint256[] chainIds)

Gets agent metadata, version and chain Ids.

Name Type Description
agentId uint256 ERC721 token id of the agent.
Name Type Description
registered bool if agent exists.
owner address address.
agentVersion uint256 of the agent.
metadata string IPFS pointer.
chainIds uint256[] the agent wants to run in.


function _agentUpdate(uint256 agentId, string newMetadata, uint256[] newChainIds) internal virtual

logic for agent update.

checks metadata uniqueness and updates agent metadata and version.

Name Type Description
agentId uint256 ERC721 token id of the agent to be created or updated.
newMetadata string IPFS pointer to agent's metadata JSON.
newChainIds uint256[] ordered list of chainIds where the agent wants to run.


uint256[48] __gap